Personal Fitness Trainer

Coach Vernon has been involved with athletics for over 25 years, as an athlete , coach, counselor, trainer & mentor. Coach Vernon is currently an instructor at Allan Hancock College in the Kinesiology Department. He teaches different aspects of fitness. Prior to this assignment he was a coach and P.E. instructor In the Lompoc Unified School District for Lompoc High & Lompoc Valley Middle School.

U.S. Department of Defense
U.S. Department of Justice
Lompoc Unified School District
Allan Hancock Community College 
Adult Fitness Training Certification 
2010- Present
Youth Fitness Training Certification 
2013- Present
Coaching Certification 
2007- Present
[FSC] Fitness, Strength, Cardio, Program Instructor
Aqua Fitness Training Certification 
2014- Present